Board Interview Questions: What to expect

Board interview questions what to expect

A board interview is a very different experience than a typical executive interview.  Board interview questions will focus on the candidate’s experience, capabilities and potential as a strategic leader. Additionally, board interviews are often conducted by a team of directors or other stakeholders, making the board interview process more intimidating.

What to Expect During the Interview?

The board interview process typically starts with a discussion of the candidate’s background, including their board and executive experience and qualifications. The interviewers may then ask questions relating to corporate strategy or risk management and specific issues relating to boardroom agendas and culture. Questions may also be asked about the organization’s current challenges and how the applicant would address them. Additionally, board members may ask the applicant’s about their leadership skills, such as their ability to motivate teams and make difficult decisions.

At the end of the interview, candidates should be prepared for questions related to their commitment level and desire to join the board. This is an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their knowledge of the company and industry, plus showcase why they would be a great addition to the board. This you should have established during your board interview preparation.

5 Types of Board Interview Questions

When interviewing for a prospective board position, it is important to be prepared with five common types of board interview questions. These questions will likely centre around your professional and strategic achievements, relevant experiences, and ability to contribute to the organization and board in a meaningful way.

The 5 common types of questions you should expect are:

  1. Skills & Experience – Questions about your professional background, skills and experience specific to the business environment.
  2. Financial Expertise – Queries to gauge your understanding of financial statements, financial reporting, and budget allocation.
  3. Leadership and Teamwork – Questions to assess your capabilities as a team player and ability to create and implement a high-performance board effectively.
  4. Your Role – Questions that focus on the role you would play as an active board member and your understanding of the board’s purpose and direction.
  5. Ethical Standards & Governance – Queries that investigate your adherence to ethical standards, governance experience and ability to deal with potential conflicts that may arise.

By preparing and rehearsing your answers to these questions, you can increase your chances of gaining a position on their board and making a meaningful contribution to the organization.

Common Board Interview Questions to Expect

When preparing for a board interview, expect questions that test your governance style, commercial acumen, and leadership skills. You will be evaluated on how well you understand the organization’s mission and policies and how closely your values align with theirs. You need to be able to demonstrate your board level experience and achievements, plus how you have contributed to and implemented strategic decisions in your previous roles.

Taking the 5 types of board interview questions a step further, I have compiled a list of common board interview questions you should expect and prepare for. Please note that these are common questions. You should also consider more complex and bespoke questions depending on the industry, type of organization and regulatory requirements.

    • Why do you want to join this board?
    • How would your skills add value to the board of directors?
    • What is your experience working on or with a board of directors?
    • How would you handle conflicts within a board?
    • What do you see as the most significant challenges facing our industry?
    • What do you see as the most significant challenges facing our organization?
    • How have you contributed to the success of other boards or organizations?
    • What have been your most successful board initiatives in the past?
    • How do you ensure that key stakeholders are represented in the decision-making process?
    • How would you define good governance in your own words?
    • What kind of risk management strategies do you think are essential for boards to consider?
    • What is your experience with board meetings, and how do you feel they should be run?
    • How do you stay informed of the latest industry trends and developments?
    • How will you balance this board role with your executive career?

Tips for Answering Board Interview Questions

Here are some valuable tips to help you effectively respond to the board interview questions:

Be Prepared – Before the interview, review all relevant documents, such as the organization’s mission and objectives, policies and procedures, financial statements, etc. This will help you understand the context and be better prepared to answer questions.

Be Articulate – When answering board interview questions, ensure your responses are organized, clear and concise.

Don’t Over Answer – Provide details only when necessary. Avoid rambling, as this can confuse the panellists or make them think you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Demonstrate Your Knowledge – Make sure you demonstrate that you understand the organization’s mission and objectives as well as its challenges and opportunities. Show them that you are a good fit for the board and have an in-depth knowledge of the business.

Provide Examples – Provide concrete examples to illustrate your points and achievements whenever possible. This will make you credible and memorable.

Be Open and Honest – Don’t feel like you have to go beyond your expertise and capabilities.

Maintain Composure – Board positions often require individuals to make tough decisions, and the ability to remain calm and level-headed is crucial. During the interview, if you are asked a challenging question, take a deep breath, and respond thoughtfully. This demonstrates your ability to stay calm under pressure and make sound decisions.

Ask Questions – Asking questions demonstrates your interest in the position and organization and shows that you have done your research. This will also allow you to better understand the board’s expectations of you and ensure it is a good fit for both parties.


Answering board interview questions is challenging, even for those with plenty of board interview experience. But with the proper preparation and practice, you can successfully demonstrate your knowledge and value to the organization during the interview.

Preparing to answer common board interview questions is the perfect place to start. Be open and honest with your responses, demonstrate your knowledge of the organization, articulate what you have to offer the board, and show that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of a board member for their organization.

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About the Author

David Schwarz is CEO & Founder of Board Appointments. He has over a decade of experience in putting people on boards as an international headhunter and recruiter. He has interviewed hundreds of directors and placed hundreds into some of the most significant public, private and NFP director roles in the world.

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