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You are most likely visiting this site because you are duly aware of the highly competitive nature of the Board Appointment process. To be in the mix, you must have a Board CV & Cover Letter that will separate you from your competition. Not having bespoke documents that clearly address the selection criteria will dramatically impact your chances of being selected for an interview or appointed. This is regardless of whether the process is direct with the organisation or via a search firm or headhunter.

David Schwarz (leading International Board Appointment expert) and his highly skilled team will work closely with you to produce your bespoke Board CV and Application according to the specifications required by the advertising organisation.

This service will include:

  • Personal Skype or Email conversations to understand your drivers and successes
  • A bespoke board cover letter written for you
  • A bespoke supporting statement addressing the core criteria written for you

David won’t leave you there. He will further critique and amend the application until you are content that it accurately reflects the message you would like to portray.

Don’t let a poor application, that doesn’t address the five key criteria that all Chairs and Recruiters look for, negatively impact your result.