E-Book – The Definitive Guide to Gaining a Board Appointment, (3rd Edition). Written David Schwarz


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The Definitive Guide to Gaining a Board Appointment gives you an insight into the board appointment process including tips & methodology that only Chairs and Recruiters know.

This E-Book has personally helped many on their journey to successfully gaining a seat on a board. It is a unique and invaluable guide regardless of where you are on your journey. Whether relying on personal connections or  responding to advertised vacancies, the process of finding and being appointed to a board takes a certain amount of skill and practice.

This E-Book provides practical advice, clearly written in 13 Chapters, from the perspective of an experienced board recruiter.


CHAPTER 1 – Preparing for a Board Position
The Benefits of an Early Start

CHAPTER 2 – Choosing the Right Board Position to Apply For
Deciding Which Board is for You
Managing your Board Aspirations

CHAPTER 3 – Paid Boards
How do I Find a Paid Board Role?
Beware the Bait and Switch

CHAPTER 4 – Not for Profit Boards
Why You Should Really Consider Taking an Unpaid Board Role – Even if You don’t Want One
How to find a seat on a not for profit board

CHAPTER 5 – How to Become a Non Executive Director
Six Things to Consider When Thinking About a Non Executive Career
Preparing Yourself for a NED Career
How Much Research Should You Do for a NED Application?
Transitioning from CEO to Non-Executive Director

CHAPTER 6 – How Board Appointments are Made
Four Ways to Get Appointed and the One Thing That Really Counts
How to Get on a Board The Fundamentals
Myths and 5 Things You Should Do to Get on a Board
Why Being Good Enough Counts More Than You Think

CHAPTER 7 – Networking and Developing Personal Connections
Is Your Network Stale Rather Than Shallow?
How Much Do ‘Old School Networks’ Count?
Connectedness – The New Differentiator

CHAPTER 8 – The Board Application Process

CHAPTER 9 – What Chairs Look For
What Executive Skills are Most Sort After?
What to do if You Don’t Have It
What Does Cultural Fit Mean
Does Passion Count?

CHAPTER  10 – Governance Training 
The Value of a Governance Qualification

CHAPTER 11 – Applications, Board CV & Interview
Your Board Profile
How Much Does a Board CV Really Count When Applying for a Board Role?
Your Non Executive CV – 7 Things to Consider
Writing a Board Application Cover Letter
Possible Non-Executive Interview Questions
Skype/Online Interviews

CHAPTER 12 – Due Diligence
What to Ask Before Joining a Board

CHAPTER 13 – What Next


David Schwarz is a Board Director, ex-international head-hunter, non-executive recruiter & board career counsellor.

No one knows more about how to gain a board appointment or develop a board career than David. In fact, not only has he written an internationally selling ‘Board Appointments’ Book that takes individuals through the individual steps required to find and gain a board directorship, he has personally written 1,500 Board CVs and has been recognised as a leading executive and board CV writer.

David is also a Top 10 LinkedIn user with over 25,000 connections who has advised thousands of clients on how to develop a board career or gain their first board directorship. He has personally assisted thousands of individuals gain board appointments.