Course: How to Unlock Board Opportunities Masterclass


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Somewhere between 50% – 80% of organisations with boards appointed a new board member every 12 months. However, less than 20% of these board appointments are made via a recruiter or advertisement. The good news is that firstly there are plenty of board opportunities out there and secondly if you know how to identify these opportunities you are more likely to be successful as the process is far less competitive.

Formal recruitment processes require resources, time and expertise to deliver – things many organisations don’t have the capacity or desire for.  This is one reason why 80% of board appointments occur via non-formal routes. You are over 3 times as likely to be appointed via a connection than through a formal process. It may not surprise you to know that, to tap into these hidden opportunities it is not what you know but who you know that counts.

This is where people say that they do not have the networks required to be offered a seat on a board. What people do not realise is, of all the board appointments that resulted from a personal connection, 50% were made via a person that they saw rarely or infrequently. Success does NOT rely on you being well connected in what you think are all the right circles. We will show you how to identify the right connections, and then how to leverage these connections to get a board appointment.

What you learn in this practical 60-minute masterclass will revolutionize the way you go about finding board opportunities and get appointed. It does not matter where you are in the world, this process is universal and it works. The process is manageable. You will develop habits and establish routines to support your goal.

NB This Masterclass is included in the Board Appointment PLUS Coaching Program plus 18 training modules, unlimited application support, bespoke Board CV and more.